How to get your lips in perfect condition. Aging lips: how to properly care? Special charge for lips

It seems that any woman sooner or later notices that her lips have become dull and have lost their former appetizing shape. All this is the result of the use of decorative cosmetics, the negative impact of external factors and, of course, improper lip care. Apparently, this is why lip surgery and the use of various injectable drugs are so popular today. But in order to maintain the beauty of the outline and texture of the lips, it is not necessary to seek help from surgeons - it is enough to simply devote a few minutes every day to care.

Lip care at home

Before you start tidying up your lips, you need to get rid of some bad habits, such as biting and licking your lips. These actions, especially if performed in the wind or cold, will certainly cause cracks, small wounds and peeling. And damaged lip skin is very susceptible to infections and inflammation.

Like facial skin, lip skin needs cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing.

Soft peelings are used to remove dead skin cells from the epidermis. You can buy them in a store or pharmacy, or you can prepare them yourself. You can use rich sour cream as the basis for such mixtures, and you can use a little finely ground coffee or crushed apricot kernels as exfoliating particles. The main thing is that these small particles do not have smooth shapes, so as not to damage the skin. This lip peeling does not need to be washed off - just wipe off the mixture with a napkin. The remainder of the product will play the role of an excellent nourishing cream.

In its structure and properties, the skin around the lips is similar to the delicate skin around the eyes. Therefore, all products used to care for the skin of the eyelids can, if necessary, be used for the lips.

There are many “grandmother’s”, that is, folk, methods for caring for lips at home. Here are some of them:

For chapped lips, vitamin B is essential, which is found in sufficient quantities in poultry fat and butter.

A decoction of the powder from the cinquefoil rhizome in a small amount of butter can help cure deep cracks.

For chapped lips, a mixture of candle wax and hemp oil is ideal. The resulting heated mixture is applied to the lips overnight.

A decoction of flax seeds, brought to a creamy state during the cooking process, will save the skin from peeling and small cracks.

A mixture of crushed rose petals and pork fat helps relieve dry lips.

In general, the main point of caring for delicate lip skin is constant hydration and nutrition.. You also need to carefully choose decorative cosmetics and cosmetic care products - thin lip skin is prone to allergies and various types of infections.

Lip massage – the basis of care for beautiful lips

First of all, you need to pamper your lips with a light massage every morning. This does not require special devices and tools. Lip massage is done with a simple toothbrush with soft bristles. If you are not sure about the softness of the brush, you can use a simple terry towel lightly moistened with warm water. During massage procedures, blood circulation improves and the sensitivity of the lips to the action of various nutrients and moisturizers increases. Therefore, after a massage, applying a special nourishing cream or simple vegetable oil to the lips is ideal.

Lip masks - keep your lips soft!

The skin of the lips, delicate and soft, needs constant nutrition. Do not believe manufacturers who claim that their super-long-lasting decorative lipstick is 100% natural ingredients that can restore health to your lips. Any chemical compositions, including decorative cosmetics, have a detrimental effect on the skin. Of course, this does not mean that you need to completely abandon the use of lipsticks, glosses or balms. You just need to promptly cleanse your skin of cosmetics and make it a rule to use natural ingredients that nourish and moisturize your lips.

Carrot-sour cream mask is great for delicate lip skin..

To prepare it, you need to carefully mix fresh carrot juice and a little sour cream (the fattier the better). The resulting composition is applied to the lips, and after seven minutes, washed off with clean, cool water.

A mask made from a mixture of cottage cheese, sour cream, natural honey and carrot or cucumber juice can save you from excessive drying of your lips.
After using this mask, you need to apply a little vegetable oil to the skin of your lips.

For chapped, rough lips, you can mix a little oil (vegetable, preferably butter) and homogenized applesauce. The resulting paste is applied to the surface of the lips for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with clean water.

Also, simple natural honey can be a salvation for damaged lips.– apply it to your lips for a few minutes. The beauty of such a delicious mask is that you don’t have to wash it off, but simply eat it.

Remember that substances such as fats are very beneficial for lips. After all, there are no sebaceous glands on the lips - that is why they dry and crack so often. Any vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, flaxseed, walnut, corn), fatty dairy products (sour cream, cottage cheese) in combination with vitamin elements (juices, purees) will become excellent moisturizers and saturate the skin of the lips with nutrients.

Lip exercises – save the results and return to their former shape

The exercises below will help maintain and even restore the elasticity and clear contour of the lips:

Lip stretching. Pull your lips into a tube and blow lightly. Relax your lips. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

Puff out your cheeks as you inhale. Exhale slowly, then in gentle bursts. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

Pronunciation of vowel sounds “a”, “u”, “o”, “s”, “i”. During pronunciation, vigorous articulation is required. The exercise is repeated up to 10 times.

Pull your lips forward and open your mouth slightly. Close and lower your lips. The exercise is repeated up to 20 times.

Movement of the lower jaw with simultaneous movement of the lips, first to the left, then to the right. The exercise is repeated up to 20 times.

Stick out tongue. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Return to starting position. The exercise is repeated up to 5 times.

As usual, our editorial office received many letters asking for help in deciding on certain issues. beauty spheres. We have selected the most interesting ones and are ready to give answers to them. But first let me remind you that You can send your questions to me by email: n.veresyuk@site or write directly in the comments below.

As we promised, the author of this week's best question receives it in a designer package. The winner is Antonina Gerashchenko with a question about age-related makeup. We ask you to contact the editors to discuss details about receiving your prize.

And now the answers to your questions.

Hello! I have the problem of peeling lips from time to time. I understand that the problem is probably somewhere inside. But while I'm figuring out why my lips are peeling, I still want to look good. Is there any express method to get your lips in order? It is desirable that the method be based on some natural products.

Hello Katerina.

If you want to quickly tidy up your lips with the help of products that every girl has in her kitchen, use a sugar scrub and a honey mask. To do this, you need to slightly wet your lips, then gently apply sugar with your finger and massage. Don't overdo it, the movements should not be strong. Next, apply honey for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water. :

If your lips are very dry, leave the honey on overnight. This will get them in order very quickly. Do this procedure as needed. For example, scrub - twice a week, and honey - daily as night care.

Hello! I am 40 years old and I have wrinkles. It certainly sounds like an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. But it's true. I wear makeup every day and it seems to me that my makeup makes me look older. Tell me, are there any special features of age-related makeup?

Hello Antonina .

Of course, age-related makeup has its own characteristics, just like any other type of makeup. To make your skin look more youthful, be sure to use an anti-aging makeup base. It will visually even out the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles. Of course, this is just camouflage and after you wash yourself, everything will return to its place. But for spectacular daytime makeup, such a base is an indispensable thing.

Next, your foundation must contain moisturizing components and reflective particles, which also visually reduce the number of wrinkles. You can choose a similar product from any manufacturer. Use only loose powder - it does not get into wrinkles.

Next, be sure to use a shade slightly darker than your natural skin color to correct the shape of your face. Don't forget about the refreshing blush. In age-related makeup, it is very important to make the face look young and natural. Try to use only high-quality cosmetics that apply well. Choose matte or satin textures. If you have problems with wrinkles near the eyes and nasolabial folds are highlighted, lighten these areas slightly with a matte finish.

And most importantly, always be in a good mood. The inner fire that a woman has works best for facial rejuvenation.

Throughout the year, and especially in autumn and winter, many people face an unpleasant problem - lips peel, become chapped, and the skin peels off. Why does this happen and what to do about it?

Features of lip skin

First of all, you need to remember: the skin on the lips is highly sensitive, because... it is thinner and does not have sebaceous glands. That is why lips require special care, because they are most susceptible to various kinds of negative factors, be it a bad habit of licking lips, strong wind or hard water.

Finding out the reasons

With proper care, the skin of your lips should be smooth, soft and even. If the skin peels off your lips, you need to find out the root cause and take certain actions accordingly.

Peeling of the skin of the lips may indicate a lack of vitamins in the body

The main reasons that the skin of the lips is not in the best condition are:

  • Lack of vitamins. If peeling lips bothers you exclusively in winter and spring, most likely it is a vitamin deficiency. In this case, a course of vitamins will help solve the problem. Vitamins A and E are best.
  • Weather. Wind and cold air are not the best for sensitive lip skin. The situation is aggravated by water, which in most Russian cities is characterized by increased hardness.
  • Health problems. Sometimes the reasons why the skin on the lips comes off can be very serious. This may indicate the presence of diabetes, oral disease or herpes (in this case, small blisters appear on the skin).
  • Dehydration. Sometimes the reason is a simple lack of water. Every day it is necessary to maintain water balance in the body by drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of water, but not everyone follows this rule.

How to get your lip skin in perfect condition: care rules

To keep the skin on your lips in perfect condition, follow these care rules:

  1. Use chapstick or balm regularly throughout the day. The lip product must be of good quality, because... Cheap balms will not save the situation, but will only worsen the problem. They contain a silicone base, and you need an oil-based balm, for example, Bodyshop with shea butter.
  2. Use a lip scrub several times a week. Prepare it by mixing a couple of tablespoons of olive oil with a spoon of sugar, add a little thick honey, apply on your lips and massage with light movements. A good option among ready-made products is lip scrub from Lush.
  3. Before going to bed, apply a thick layer of nourishing, rich cream to your lips, such as Nivea cream or baby cream. You can apply Aevit vitamins to your lips; they come in a convenient format of small capsules and cost only about 30 rubles. One capsule is ideal for one application.
  4. Review your habits. Don't lick your lips and stop smoking at least for a while. Drink less coffee, black tea and drink more clean water.
  5. Enrich your diet with vitamins. Eat more greens, fatty fish rich in omega-3 (such as salmon, salmon or trout), vegetables, legumes.

If in your case the skin on your lips comes off not due to any disease, then the above recommendations will definitely help restore your lips, making them soft and attractive. If the causes are more serious and associated with diseases, you should consult a doctor.

In order for your lips to be soft, velvety and tender, you need to take care of them daily, with the help of special and homemade cosmetics, massage and other means - it’s not for nothing that they say that a woman’s face becomes attractive thanks to bright, expressive eyes, and gentle, sensual lips - men cannot pass by such women indifferently.

The most affordable means to make lips soft are homemade masks made from ordinary food products, decoctions and infusions of herbs, as well as vitamins and other preparations that can be bought at the pharmacy.

Principles of lip care

Home lip care is based on three principles: cleansing, nourishing and moisturizing, protection, which is an absolute analogy with daily facial skin care in general.


This is the first and most important stage in lip care. It includes daily cleansing of lips from impurities and remnants of decorative cosmetics. To carry it out, it is enough to have a regular cleansing milk or emulsion (this can be the same cleanser that you use to cleanse your facial skin) and cotton pads, with which you should thoroughly wipe your lips before applying a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

Also, in addition to daily cleansing of the lips, it is necessary to carry out a gentle exfoliating peeling every 7-10 days. Candied honey or sugar in combination with olive oil in a 1:1 ratio is perfect for a gentle lip peeling.

Take this into account! Cleansing your lips should be done with light circular movements, without stretching their thin top layer - otherwise you can personally provoke the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Hydration and nutrition

Moisturizing and nourishing are an important stage in lip care. You should definitely stock up on hygienic lipstick or balm (it’s better to buy it at a pharmacy) and use it throughout the day. Hygienic lipstick will protect the skin of your lips from drying out, chapping, cracks and ultraviolet rays. Use it as a base for your lip makeup, so they will be completely protected.

It is also worth stocking up on nourishing cream. Apply it to your lips before going to bed so that your skin has enough time to be “saturated” with vitamins overnight. The effect of the cream will be more pronounced if, when applying it, you massage your lips with your fingertips.


In order for lips to always look well-groomed, they must be protected from adverse environmental influences. This can be done using lipstick with protective components, lipstick with SPF protection and lipstick for the cold season. Don't think that protecting your lips from the sun is a fashionable excess. We protect the skin of our face from harmful ultraviolet radiation, but we don’t take care of our lips.

Although the skin of the lips is no less (and even more!) sensitive than the skin of other parts of the body. If facial skin reacts quickly to improper care, lips can “suffer” for many months. But then it will be very difficult to restore their beauty and youth. And, of course, when choosing a lipstick, pay attention to the one that contains oils and nutrients.

Lip masks

Fruit and vegetable masks

Summer is a wonderful opportunity to please your lips with fruit masks. On a fine grater you need to grate, previously peeled, fruits or vegetables such as: banana, cucumber or beets, apple, melon, watermelon, gooseberries, currants, strawberries and so on. Mix the resulting pulp with a small amount of butter and generously lubricate the lips. After 10 - 15 minutes have passed, remove the residue. Fruit and vegetable masks effectively moisturize, nourish and soften the skin of the lips.

Recipe for a softening and nourishing lip mask made from cottage cheese

Grind half a teaspoon of full-fat homemade cottage cheese with 1 teaspoon of cream, and apply the resulting mask in a generous layer on the surface of your lips. After 10-15 minutes, rinse off the mask and lubricate your lips with a small amount of Vaseline or hygienic lipstick. Instead of cream, cottage cheese can be mixed with vegetable oil, milk, carrot, cucumber or beet juice.

Recipe for a moisturizing lip mask made from sour cream

Add 2-3 drops of lemon juice to 1 teaspoon of sour cream, and the same amount of any vegetable oil. Apply a thick layer of the mask to the surface of your lips and hold for 15-20 minutes.

  • Don’t forget to lubricate your delicate skin every day, at night, with a cosmetic cream containing vitamins E and A.
  • Use a mixture of fresh carrot juice and cottage cheese 3-4 times a week, lubricate your lips with it for 10-15 minutes.
  • If there is severe inflammation, apply a warm compress from a strong infusion of chamomile flowers. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply to the inflamed skin for 10-15 minutes.
  • When removing makeup, don't forget about your lips. Remove makeup from them using cleansing cream or milk.
  • Don't forget to use protective balms regularly, and not just in summer, but all year round. Just choose a product based on the season. In summer, you need to use a balm containing a sunscreen and moisturizing ingredients. And in winter it should protect delicate skin from frost.
  • To give your lips a bright color, this remedy will help you: Combine 1 tsp. rice flour and olive oil to make a paste. Apply the mask, rinse after 20 minutes. using a damp swab. Then, immediately lubricate the skin with a thin layer of bee honey.
  • This remedy can add tenderness and softness: rub 1 ripe strawberry with honey and lubricate your lips. This mixture should remain on the lips for at least 20 minutes. After which you can simply eat it. Then grease with rich cream.
  • Complete care will not be complete if you do not eat properly. Pay attention to your diet. For the beauty and health of this important area of ​​the face, eat more foods containing vitamin A. You will find it in carrots, beets, salads, and liver. Also eat more orange-colored vegetables and fruits.
  • To avoid jams and cracks in the corners of your mouth, add foods containing vitamin B to your diet. It is found in garden herbs, legumes, green vegetables and fermented milk products.
  • It must be said that sometimes even regular toothpaste containing fluoride can cause inflammation of the skin in the mouth area and cause increased dryness of the lips. So be careful.

Cracks on the lips and corners of the mouth

The formation of cracks is the most unpleasant thing that happens to the lips. Chapped lips and corners of the mouth make eating difficult and painful. Unpresentable appearance also matters. Even lipstick also lies unevenly and unsightly.

Causes of cracks

1. improper use of medications, especially antibiotics;

2. fungal or bacterial nature of the occurrence of cracks. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, so-called jams, are formed under the influence of streptococcal infection or candidiasis (fungal disease);

3. excessive consumption of sugar;

4. excessive alcohol consumption;

5. the habit of licking your lips too often, biting and gnawing them;

6. severe drying of the lips during a runny nose due to the need to breathe through the mouth;

7. lack of vitamins A, group B, C, E.

The first two reasons can only be established with the help of a doctor. He will prescribe the necessary treatment. Reasons 3-5 lie in our bad habits, and, of course, we should get rid of them. Cause 6 can be eliminated by regular use of runny nose remedies during colds. Reason 7 is eliminated “from the inside” - it is necessary to eat as many foods as possible that are rich in the missing vitamins.


If you are actively involved in eliminating the causes of cracks and jams, you can begin healing cosmetic procedures:

Lubricate your lips with olive or linseed oil daily;

Before going to bed, make masks from butter, sea buckthorn oil or calendula oil;

3 times a day, wipe the cracks with aloe juice squeezed from a freshly cut leaf;

Treat cracks with a special ointment for the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time (you can find such a remedy at the pharmacy).

During treatment, you should refrain from eating irritating foods - pickled vegetables, sour juices and fruits.

Special charge for lips

☀ stretch out your lips and blow as if you were extinguishing a candle, then relax your lips.

Repeat 7-10 times

☀ take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Exhale slowly at first, then as if pushing out the air.

Repeat 10 times.

☀ articulating vigorously, pronounce the vowels “a”, “o”, “u”, “i”, “s”.

Repeat 7-10 times.

☀ Pull your lips forward and open your mouth like a fish when breathing. Close and release your lips.

Repeat 10-20 times.

☀ move your lower jaw simultaneously with your lips, sequentially left and right.

Repeat 10-20 times.

☀ Stick out your tongue as much as possible and hold it there for 2-3 seconds. Remove your tongue and relax for 1-2 seconds.

Repeat 5 times.

Massage for volume and juiciness of lips

Massage your lips with a soft toothbrush.

Slow, careful movements will not damage the skin of the lips, but will serve as an excellent cosmetic massage that activates the natural processes of regeneration and hydration. Ideally, it is better to use a separate toothbrush for massage. For thin lip skin, a brush marked SOFT or for children is perfect.

A good idea is to massage your lips every evening before going to bed. To improve blood circulation and restore the natural brightness of the lip border, wet the brush in cold water before massage. Apply a little vegetable oil (shea, almond, avocado, jojoba) to your lips and gently massage your lips with a brush for one minute. This will provide your lips with softness and shine, without taking up any time, effort or money.

Ice is one of the most popular methods to help increase lip volume at home. Massage an ice cube onto your lips and then apply a moisturizer or balm. This cryomassage is an excellent express remedy for giving your lips an appetizing swelling before an important date or photo shoot.

Short-term exposure to cold has a shock effect to some extent, which activates all metabolic processes, increases tone, and improves oxygen saturation of skin cells. By regularly performing ice massage, you can make your lips not only more attractive, but also more resistant to external influences. And even in cool weather, without using balm, your lips will shine with health and beauty.

☀ never lick or bite your lips, and especially do not do this in the cold;

☀ do not use water to remove makeup, stock up on special products;

☀ moisturize your lip skin more often using balm or vegetable oil (ideally sea buckthorn); buy high-quality lipsticks that contain nutritional elements;

☀ don’t leave home without lip balm or lipstick;

☀ apply a restorative agent or sour cream at night; stop smoking and drinking alcohol - tobacco and alcohol kill the beauty of your lips.

Now that you know new secrets for lip care, your smile will become even more charming and your face more attractive.

Which of us women hasn't experienced this? In the morning we don’t like what we see in the mirror at all: a pimple on the forehead, dull hair, cracked dry lips…. What's good about this? Of course, every woman wants to leave the house as a beauty in order to arouse the envy of women and catch the admiring glances of men. But sometimes we just don’t have enough time in the morning to get ourselves in order.

What remains? Run to work like this? Don't worry, our simple beauty secrets will help you “Get Beauty” in just 5 minutes.
1. how to tidy up unruly hair?
Tangled hair.

Are you familiar with the following situation? We wash our hair in the evening, before going to bed, and hope to wake up beautiful, but what do we see in the mirror in the morning: our hair is bristling and standing up, just like the fashion of the 80s. Nowadays, however, such an extravagant hairstyle is hardly in fashion and certainly will not appeal to your work colleagues. What to do when there is absolutely no time left to re-wash and style your hair? Only if you have 10 minutes left, we know how to help you! First of all, stop panicking and follow these tips:

You will need half a glass of water: just wet your hair a little, strand by strand. After this, measure out half a teaspoon of almond oil, rub it between your palms and apply it to your hair with light movements, at the same time styling unruly hair into your hair. The styling method depends on the structure of your hair: if it is naturally curly and unruly, then apply oil to each curl to straighten and “outline” it. Thus, if you have straight hair, then start styling from the roots and “Walk” through each strand. You'll see: just a little patience - and the problem with the clutter in your head is solved!

And finally, a few words about “Prevention”: to prevent this problem from happening in the morning, try to wash your hair every other day. Make sure that the water is not too hot, as high temperature water is known to damage hair. We also advise you to use hair conditioners with almond, coconut or argan oil extract after washing your hair. Try to dry your hair naturally, but if you really don't have enough time and have to use a hair dryer, do not turn on the high temperature setting so as not to damage your hair.

2. what to do if a pimple appears on your face?

A classic story for every woman's morning nightmare. You look in the mirror and see that there is an unpleasant and quite noticeable pimple on your nose, forehead or cheek, which inappropriately attracts attention to itself. Of course, we all don’t like to realize that our skin is imperfect and that nothing can be done, because we have to go to work soon and there is no time to apply cream or other medicine. What can be advised in this case, if in a few minutes we have to run out of the house? Don't worry, there is a very simple remedy. First of all, wash your face thoroughly with neutral soap to clear the skin of bacteria. After this, add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to a teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply the resulting mixture to the damaged area of ​​the skin, that is, on top of the pimple.

Leave this mixture for 3 minutes, but no longer, because otherwise vinegar and lemon can have the opposite effect and dry out the skin. Wash your face thoroughly again and dry with a clean towel. Now you can apply your usual makeup. Attention! Only if you have a red pimple on your face, does it make sense to use a tinting pencil with a green tint, because this color will help hide the redness. After this, apply a regular tone on top (remembering that the foundation should be moisturizing. You see, it’s not difficult at all!

3. how to get rid of bags under the eyes in 5 minutes?
Bags under the eyes.

Bags under the eyes are a common thing, and each of us has experienced such a nuisance at least once. Insomnia, fatigue, overwork - and here they are, these unpleasant swelling under the eyes. But this spoils your appearance so much, and you look broken and tired. What to do? To moisturize the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation in this “Problem” area of ​​the face, first of all, place two small teaspoons in the freezer. Leave them there for a few minutes, during which you can do your usual morning preparations: get dressed, comb your hair, brush your teeth, have breakfast or pack your bag before going out. After 4-5 minutes, take the spoons out of the freezer and apply them to the bags under your eyes several times at intervals of 20 seconds. You'll see: cold spoons will soothe the skin under the eyes and improve blood circulation. Getting rid of bags under your eyes is actually easier than you think!
4. What should I do if I urgently need hair conditioner?
Dry hair.
Many women are familiar with this problem. Do you have dry, brittle hair that is clearly lacking life and shine? In the morning they look dull and dull, and you don’t have time for careful styling because you’ll be leaving the house soon? So, you will need water, coconut oil and an empty spray bottle.
To prepare our conditioner, you will only need half a glass of water and one tablespoon of coconut oil. Some recipes recommend adding a little aloe vera, but this mixture is usually more difficult to stir. It's better if the water is a little warm, not cold, because otherwise the coconut oil will never mix properly. Add water, coconut oil (if desired, also aloe Vera) to the bottle, shake well and mix... the conditioner is ready! Using a spray nozzle, you can apply it to your hair. You'll see: this natural conditioner will soften your hair, give it silkiness, shine and vitality, as well as a pleasant aroma of coconut oil.
However, remember: the conditioner, the recipe for which we have described, is suitable for girls with dry and brittle hair, but if you have oily hair, then it is not advisable to use products based on natural oils: in this case, their effect may be exactly the opposite.
5. dry and cracked lips: what to do?
How unpleasant it is: dry, cracked lips! But this happens very often, especially in autumn and winter, during frosty or windy weather, and also when there is a lack of vitamins. Every woman wants to have beautiful, soft and sensual lips, and not painfully chapped and covered with a thin crust. It sounds incredible, but just 5 minutes will be enough to get your lips in order. Are you interested in knowing how? We will now share this women’s secret with you.
To begin, apply a thick layer of moisturizing lip cream to your lips. After this, apply a generous amount of sugar on top of the cream: you may not know that it has amazing exfoliating properties. Apply sugar to your lips using a cotton pad using gentle massage circular movements to activate blood circulation. Continue the massage for 3 minutes.
Now you can wash off the sugar and cream from your lips with warm (even slightly hot) water, without stopping the circular massage movements. Such a simple procedure will not take much of your time and will help get rid of dead cells and scales: you will see how soft and smooth your lips will become and what an even, pleasant tone they will acquire! Now you can safely leave the house, because the problem has been solved. However, do not forget to repeat the procedure in the evening (before bed) to consolidate the results.